Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What a Big Boy We Have

I just thought that I should post something about what is going on here. Jackson and I have decided to start potty training Alex. We started about a week ago and at first it was a real struggle. The first two days were really terrible with accidents all over the house because I just had him in regular underwear (they are really cute on him!!!). Then he started to cry uncontrollably every time I put him on the potty. So, because of all of that, we have been using the pull-ups and ever since then it has gone great. He is still able to pull his pull-ups up and down like his underwear and I don't worry as much about him. We have only had a couple of accidents in his pull-ups since we started them. He is going potty at regular intervals now and seems to really be getting the hang of this. He is even able to hold it all in for 2-3 hours at time! In a couple of weeks I will try putting him back into the underwear, but for now I am really impressed with the progress that he is making. I think that his potty prizes are also helping him. We bought some poke'mon cards for him to have when he went pee pee in the potty and some Little Einstien figures for when he goes poo. The pooping hasn't gone as great but that is something that he has always struggled with (he just gets so constipated). He really loves the poke'mon cards though and I figure if they are helping me get him potty trained then that is good. Now, I just need to get him to realize when he needs to go and not have me constantly asking him. He seems to continually amaze me at the things that he can do. It's so hard for me to believe but he really isn't a baby anymore. He is getting so big and grown-up!


Michelle said...

Awesome! I am really going to try hard with Luke when we get back from vacation. Can't wait to see you. (I still think that you should put a picture of him in his undies! So cute!)

Anonymous said...

Poop. Ha ha ha...

Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke said...

thats amazing that he still goes with the pull kids just saw those as diapers...we always did the "run nude" thing for a few days until they got it.