Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another Season Is Over

Our family has really enjoyed watching American Idol this year!!! Alex had even gotten into it. (When it comes on now he tells me that American Idol is on the TV or if someone is singing on TV he thinks it's American Idol.) The last couple of years the show has not been nearly as interesting as this year. I was really happy and excited to see David Cook win but I also really liked David Archuletta. Obviously, since he is from Utah it was really fun to watch all of the news about him, but I also really enjoyed his voice. I hope that both of them can make some great careers out of this. I know that I will be one of those suckers buying their music when it comes out!! (I already have some of the others). I know that this may make me weird or lame or whatever but it is one of the things that I really enjoy!!


Michelle said...

Obviously you are not the only "sucker" with 96 million votes. Jake and I figured out, that is 1/6 the worlds population. Then if you figure in how many people in the world to not have the technology to watch or vote...that really says something. I really like David Cook at first, but then Jake kinda ruined it for me. He thinks that he is not good. It is hard to get into it with Jake making fun of it, but I really did like them both and was happy to see either win. I felt bad for Archuleta. I thought it was funny when they gave him the car and asked if he had his licsence. Can you imagine?

Anonymous said...

Cook was a joke.
Archuletta blew him out of the water vocally.

The Perry's said...

I loved watching American Idol as well. I was glad David Cook won, I liked him. How did you get the music on your blog? See you Friday!