Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Posts Are Finally Coming!!

Ok, so I know that it has been far too long since my last post on here. This is an official declaration that I am done with my sabbatical and I am finally going to start updating my blog again. I know that in the past I have not been very good at keeping this current but since I just had a milestone birthday, I have made a few goals for myself. One of my new goals is to have a new post on my blog every week. So, now every who reads this is my witness. You can all feel free to nudge me and encourage me if you see me struggling in the area. I figure since I am really bad at writing in my journal this will be my way of capturing the memories of our family.

Anyway, bare with me as I try to catch up on the things that have happened since Ben was born. It is crazy for me to think that he is 7 months old now. Wow, time is really racing on.