Tuesday, January 29, 2008

So Sad To See Him Go

I was reading Michelle's blog today and thought that it would be a good idea to put down some thoughts of my own on President Hinckley's death. It seems so silly to say that I was surprised to hear that he had passed knowing that was 97 years old. However, he almost seemed invincible and that he would always be there standing at the head of the church leading us. When I first heard the news Sunday night, I cried. I remember when President Benson died and President Hunter but neither of them really touched my life like President Hinckley has. I have been fortunate enough to have lived in Utah for most of his Presidency and even had the chance to sing for him while I was in high school. His presence was totally uplifting and captivating. I hope that I will always be able to remember how he made me feel and keep that positive outlook on life that he had. Most of all I am grateful for the testimony that I have that makes it easier to handle that challenges that come my way. I know that as long as I stay true to the teachings of the gospel and listen to all of our prophets counsel, the Lord will be with me just as he was with our beloved President Hinckley. I will really miss him. What a wonderful man!!


Michelle said...

I remember coming to see you sing at the Church Office Building and always specifically to the First Presidency. I remember the feeling in the room the moment he walked in. Everything about the room changed and I was so overwhelmed that I just started to cry. I also remember going to his 90th birthday party with Heidi. As so often people did, the whole congregation spontaniously broke into song when he entered the room, "We thank thee oh, God for a prophet." We are so blessed to have these memories. Love you.

Michelle said...

Sorry, there were lots of typos in that last comment. I was trying to hurry, have to go get Ty. Hope you understand.