Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Entering a New Era

Yesterday I watched the press conference that announced the new President and conselors of the church. It was obviously no surprise that President Monson was announced as the President and I wasn't surprised by Elder Eyring either. However, for some reason, I was surprised by Elder Uchtdorf. I have really enjoyed listing to him speak as a new apostle but because he is so new I didn't think that he would chosen. I think that he is a wonderful choice though. I have always really like Elder Eyring and the way that he speaks at conference. All three of these men are amazing and I know that they are called by God to lead us. I know that I will always miss President Hinckley but as I have been praying for the new presidency I have felt the confirmation that these are the men that the Lord has chosen to move the work forward. I hope that will feel of the church members love and support as they take on these new callings and that we can all whole heartedly sustain them as our new Presidency and the Prophet of our church.


Michelle said...

Thanks for calling us about it. It was funny though because you called me and Heather and left messages, but didn't tell us who. I thought that was funny. But I also thought that it was sweet of you to let us know what it going on. Thanks for thinking of us.

Michelle said...

Hey, this was your latest post, but I am sure that you will notice how Heather and I have new backgrounds. If you want I can do that for you too. go to www.shabbyprincess.com and click on downloads in the top left corner. Tell me which collection you like best. I can download it to my computer and attach it to your blog.

Heather said...

hey--I was going to ask the same thing. I have a funny idea for a header.

Anonymous said...

that almost converts me.