Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thanks for All the Help

I am so grateful today for all of my friends and family that have helped as we are struggling to have another child. Yesterday, was a very difficult day for me. It is hard to put it into words but I just felt like the weight of everything we are struggling with was beating down on me. Through all of this, it was so amazing to see how that Lord made it clear that he was aware of my pain. As I went about my day (trying to keep myself occupied) I was bombarded with calls of love and concern for me. It came from my sisters, who have all showed their love and support in so many ways, and my mother, who I called just to ask a few questions. Then I had a dear friend in the neighborhood drop by just because she was driving by. It doesn't make the hurt go away, but it is nice to have people to share it with. Then the most important people to me, my husband and son, shared their love and concern for me. Jackson was very sweet and understanding about the struggles I have with this and Alex was so cute about it. Every time he saw me cry, he would walk over to me, put his little hands on my face and tell me not it cry. He told me everything was just fine. It was so sweet. A little simplistic but very cute. I know that it will all work out but it sure had given me a new perspective on what others I know have gone through. I am extremely grateful to those in my life who can sympathize with me because they have been here themselves. Most importantly, I can't imagine going through this without my Savior. I am well aware of his love and concern for me. Without that, I don't know how anyone makes it through this life!!! Thanks to all of you for you love and concern for me and my family and for listening to me even when I'm emotional and moody (stupid fertility drugs). I can't thank people enough for all that they do for me.


Michelle said...

I am always here. Love ya!!

Anonymous said...

Holly! Sorry to hear of your troubles that is my worst fear!! Jeff and I married almost two years ago after 8 yrs of dating and are buying a house right now. I always worry we spent too long getting our ducks in a row that we wont be able to get pregnant when we do start trying! MY heart goes out to you!!!
We will be in Utah for the highschool reunion. I'd love to touch base with you! Are you going? If not we will be in town a couple of days. my e-mail is I'd love to see you.

Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke said...

it is a difficult more ways one. you have a great perspective.