Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Growing More Everyday

I can't believe how big Ben is getting! I was looking at pictures of him the other day and it totally surprised me how fast he is growing. This last year seems like such a blur to me. It is totally unbelievable to me that he is going to be a year old at the end of this month. He has been such a delight for all of us. I can see that his personality is changing now that he learning to move around and he has definitely learned how to get our attention. The other day at dinner he didn't like that daddy and mommy were talking to each other instead of to him, so he started yelling at the top of him lungs. Not the right way to get attention if you ask me, but I guess you have to try. He also has learned that crawling towards the stairs makes us all a bit nervous (a habit we all have to break). He absolutely adores his big brother Alex too. Anything he is doing he laughs at. It is really cute!! It's amazing to see what he is learning everyday. He is such a great baby but a guess I can't really call him that any more. He's not much of a baby anymore. Oh well, he's still my baby!


Michelle said...

Yeah! You posted. Cute pics. Way to update the blog.

The Perry's said...

Ben and Alex are so cute! I just can't believe that Ben is going to one already.

Felipe and Erika said...

I can't believe how much he has changed since Thanksgiving! So fun to see your posts! Your boys are so cute:)