Friday, April 3, 2009

Here He Is!!!!


Benjamin Walter Lund was born on March 29th, 2009 at 2:41 am. We was 7 lbs. 11 ozs. and 20 in. long. The labor and delivery was pretty normal but Mom had some scary things happen after he was born. Real briefly I will give the run down. About 20 or 30 minutes after he was born, my blood pressure started to drop really low. I was really light headed and dizzy and extremely nauseated. My nurse was really great and very attentive to what was going on. They gave me some medications to help and then started to push on my uterus to make it contract. When they did that I started having enormous blood clots and a lot of blood come out. After several times of this happening, they started to weight the amount of blood that I was losing. Then they called in the doctor who helped deliver Ben. (Much to my disappointment my doctor wasn't working that night.) The doctor then decided that I was losing too much blood and they were going to have to take me to the OR to explore why I was bleeding and clean me out. During this time they found that a piece of the placenta was left inside so they cleaned everything out and gave me a bunch of medication. When I was sent back to Jackson, they took a sample of my blood and found that I had lost about 50% of my blood. So, then they had to give me a blood transfusion to replace some of that blood. After all of that I finally started to stabilize. They watched me very closely in the hospital for the next couple of days and my OB visited me several times. He told me that it will take quite a while to replace all of the blood that I lost so I have to take it really easy because I am going to be really weak for a while. On a very positive note though, Ben is absolutely perfect. He has had no complications and has been such a good eater and sleeper for me!! It is so nice to have such a beautiful baby. (Alex had a really rough delivery and came out not looking very pretty.) We feel so blessed to have our 2 wonderful little boys. It is amazing how the new ones that come to us just seem to fit right into the family. Alex has been so sweet and loving with Ben. I really hope that continues!! We can't thank everyone enough for all of the prayers and love that we have received. We are truly so blessed!!!


Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke said...

He is adorable! I'm so glad that all went well with your care. Scary! And how fun that he was born on grandma's birthday!

The Perry's said...

Congratulations!! He's adorable!

Angie said...

Holly, He is sooooo cute. I just loved snuggling him the other day! I am so glad that you are OK. What a scare! Call me if you need anything, I would love to help!

Hester said...
