Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Boy or Girl?

Yay, I finally have the date for my ultrasound. It will be on November 14th at 11:30. I can hardly stand the anticipation. I feel like this has taken a long time to finally get to this point. Maybe that is because I already have a child or maybe it is because I have some pretty strong feelings (just like with Alex) that I know that sex of the baby already. Anyway, I thought to help me pass the time, it would be fun to take a poll and see what other people think we are having. Obviously it doesn't really matter because we are so excited to be having another child. I just think that it is fun to see what others think. I am not one of those people who can wait to find out the sex of the baby. I love to plan ahead and have the nursery all decorated in the gender specific style that I choose. (I have already been looking at things when I am at the store to see what I like that is out there.) So, let me know what your feelings are on the matter. I would love to hear what you think.


The Perry's said...
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Michelle said...

wow, I don't know. I feel like I would get a better feeling if I saw you. I am torn 50/50. I can only picture you with a boy, because you have a boy...but then I think it is a girl. Does that make sense?