Monday, February 11, 2008

ABC'S of Me

My sister asked me to do this so here it goes.
A- Attached or single: Attached to a wonderful husband who is so good to me.
B- Best Friend: My best friends are my three sisters and my sister-in-law. I know that they love me unconditionally and they have always been there for me.
C- Cake or Pie: I am not really a dessert person but if I had to choose I would pick pie over cake.
D- Day of Choice: Jackson's day off which is usually Fridays.
E- Essential Item: Cell phone, hair spray and mascara. I always try to have myself somewhat put together. I guess that is the hairdresser in me.
F- Favorite Color: It has always been pink for me. My kitchen even has some pink accent walls.

G- Gummi Bears or Worms: I am not really big on candy. However, I love cheese. Jackson teases me that I would eat dirt if it was covered in cheese.
H- Hometown: Salt Lake City, Ut- but I live in Syracuse, UT
I- Indulgence(s): cooking (especially italian food), taking bubble baths, reading a book, and watching the Food Network and American Idol.
J- January or July: I don't mind January and being cold but I really don't like being hot. Probably because it can give me terrible migraines.
K- Kids: 1 amazing little boy.
L- Life is incomplete without: My family and really good food!
M- Marriage Date: January 11, 2002.
N- Number of Siblings: 3 sisters, 1 brother (deceased)
O- Oranges or Apples: Apples but only if they are really crunchy. I hate the pulp in oranges.
P- Phobias or Fears: This one is hard for me. Probably because there isn't much. I'm afraid of heights so I won't go farris wheels at amuzement parks. I am also afraid of snakes and ugly looking bugs but will get rid of them myself if I have to.
Q- Quote(s): This is a quote that my sister Michelle found that really liked. I am not usually one who writes down all these quotes or remembers really cool quotes. "Motherhood is the greatest potential influence either for good or ill in human life. The mother's image is the first that stamps itself on the unwritten page of the young child's mind. It is her caress that first awakens a sense of security; her kiss the first realization of affection; her sympathy and tenderness the first assurance that there is love in the world" President David O. McKay.
R- Reason To Smile: My sweet husband and adorable son.
S- Season: Most definantly it would be fall. I love it when the leaves change and I start wearing sweaters again.
T- Tag Six: Heidi and Candace Perry.
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I have a weird obession with picking at things. Like my nails or dead skin from a sunburn. I know that it is weird but I truely believe that it came from my mom. Unfortunatly my son seems to have the same obsession.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I really enjoy all kinds of meat. When I was pregnant I craved a steak. I have some vegetarian dishes that really are satisfying though.
W- Worst Habit: Those who know me could probably list several, but I would say being late. No matter how much time I give myself, I always seem to be running late. It is something I am really working on and seem to be getting a little bit better at.
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds, but only when I am pregnant.
Y- Your Favorite Food: Any kind of pasta. I make a really killer homemade fettucine alfredo. I only have it on special occasions though because it is really bad for you but oh so good.
Z: Zodiac: I am a Scorpio but I don't really care that much.


Michelle said...

Good job. The picking at things is gross-yuck. But, who am I to judge, right? I thought it was funny what you said about running late. At least you can admit it. Love you tons!

Heather said...

Hey, great job. I hope you like this header. It's pretty simple and if you don't, I can work on it some more next week. I wanted to find cute little star trek and cinderella graphics/cartoons to put on it, but haven't been able to find any. Michelle said you didn't want any photos anyway.Love, h

Holly said...

Thanks heather. It looks awesome!!!

Heather said...

Holly--I'm looking at blogs with Zoe today, and we got to yours and she is like "I love it, I love it--I love the dots adn the pink" Too funny